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PhD and Masters Projects 

Thesis topicStudentSupervisors
Waste less, live more: Interventions to reduce waste and carbon emissions in healthcare.Jessie AustinProfessor Caleb Ferguson, Dr Evan, Associate Professor Evan Alexandrou, Lorraine Fields
Examining the teaching of power, politics, and political activism to promote planetary health in tertiary nursing educationJack CornishDistinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones Associate Professor Suzanne Sheppard-Law
Dr. Shirley Qiu
Sustainable nursing practices: Barriers and FacilitatorsElaine Correia MollDistinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones Associate Professor Suzanne Sheppard-Law
The impact of education on the sustainable development goals through critical pedagogy on nursing graduates.Lorraine FieldsProfessor Tracey Moroney, Associate Professor Bonnie Dean, Associate Professor Stephanie Perkiss
Preparation of undergraduate healthcare students to be climate change, sustainability and planetary health championsAnna FosterDistinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones, Professor Deb Massey, Associate Professor Nicola Whiteing
Increasing the resilience of community health workers to the impacts of climate change for sustainable health systems in AustraliaAmensisa Hailu TesfayeDr Erica McIntyre and Prof Jason Prior.
What is the experience of exposure to natural disaster events on the health and wellbeing of people living with chronic and complex health conditions?  Gregory MelbourneDr Jane Maguire, Professor Josephine Chow, Dr Priya Saravanakumar
Nurse leadership in advancing planetary health outcomesCatelyn RichardsDistinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones Dr. Aletha Ward

Potential PhD topics

If one of these PhD topics interest you, please contact the identified supervisor or email:

ThemePhD Topic AreasPotential Supervisors
Global challengesGlobal nursing and/or midwifery leadership in addressing climate-related health disasters
Climate change and population healthNurse-led vulnerability assessments of climate change impacts
Communicating for climate healthNursing/midwifery communication skills for climate health
Nurse/midwifery led communication strategies for policy development
First Nations wisdom and knowledgesIntegrating First Nations wisdom in nurse/midwife-led climate health practices
Exploring the role of Indigenous knowledge in building climate-resilient healthcare facilities
AdvocacyNurse/midwife-led advocacy for environmental health
Gender EquityGender equity in planetary health
Social JusticeNursing/midwifery leadership in promoting self-determination in climate health policies
Nursing/midwifery leadership to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Healthcare system strengthening and resilienceNurse and/or midwife-led initiatives for developing climate-resilient healthcare systems
Nursing leadership in climate-related health disaster preparedness in primary health careGemma Saravanos
Primary health care and prevention for healthcare system strengthening and resilience (infection prevention and immunisation focus)
Heat protocolsNurse-led heatwave response protocols for tertiary healthcare facilities
Individual impactsSocial and emotional/mental health impacts of climate change on the nursing and/or midwifery workforce
Using empathy to guide clinical practice to achieve climate health outcomesNaomi Tutticci
Nurses’ integration of green spaces into care planning.Naomi Tutticci+ Katharina Nieberler-Walker
Curriculum developmentNursing, midwifery, and multi-disciplinary curricula to advance planetary health imperativesNaomi Tutticci
Knowledge and skill developmentProfessional development for climate health literacy among nurses and midwives.Naomi Tutticci
Aligning contemporary nursing values with the underlying tenants of planetary healthNaomi Tutticci
Climate-related extreme temperatures on the health of patients living with a chronic condition and/or disabilityDetermining the effect of climate-related extreme temperatures on the health of patients living with a chronic condition (focus on heart, renal and hepatology and Aged and/or disability), knowledge and self-management. Co-design strategies.Suzanne Sheppard-Law
Climate-sensitive patient educationNurse/midwife-led patient education programs for climate-sensitive health issues
Nurse led patient education for chronic disease management amidst climate change
Impact of chronic conditionsNurse-led management strategies for chronic conditions in a changing climateSuzanne Sheppard-Law Naomi Tutticci+ Aaron Bach
The role of the nurse in preparing for thunderstorm asthma (could have a primary healthcare lens)
Cardiorespiratory health and poor air quality for those living with asthma, diabetes, COPD and cardiovascular disease
Nurse-led management of chronic kidney disease during extreme heat events
Primary health prevention strategies to reduce the expected increase in nephrolithiasis due to rising temperatures
Nurse-led strategies to reduce heat-related pathological changes to neurons and glial cells
Nurse-led support for those with mental health conditions who are at higher risk of heat-induced illnesses (could look at medications, behaviour, social isolation, lack of support etc.)
Nurse-led screening for alcohol and other drug-related use as a result of psychosocial trauma from extreme weather events
Nurse-led screening for alcohol and other drug-related use as a result of psychosocial trauma from extreme weather events
Nurse-led screening for risk of suicide during and after extreme weather events (such as droughts, fire, floods etc.)
Nurse-led support for those with pre-existing substance use problems who are at higher-risk of severe heat-related illness 
Spirituality and climate healthAssociations between spiritual and/or religious beliefs on planetary health and wellbeing. For example, how do one’s beliefs impact thoughts and actions toward planetary health, how does the current state of planetary health impact spiritual wellbeing (eg. spiritual distress due to the impact on country for indigenous cultures).Katie Tunks Leach
Transdisciplinary approaches in climate healthNurse/midwife-led transdisciplinary approaches to climate health research and educationNaomi Tutticci
The barriers and enablers to nursing/midwifery leadership in transdisciplinary research in planetary healthNaomi Tutticci