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  • Finding my tribe: My journey with the Planetary Health for Nursing & Midwifery – Research & Education Collaborative

    Written by Dr Aletha Ward

    For the past five years, I have dedicated myself to the field of planetary health in nursing, even before I knew it by this name.  It was always about my passion for how climate change was impacting health and addressing health inequity. While my commitment has never wavered, I often felt like a lone soldier, particularly in the nursing education space.  The journey has been both rewarding and challenging, marked by moments of professional isolation as I navigated uncharted territory, advocating for the integration of planetary health concepts into nursing practice.

    Four years ago, I was fortunate enough to find a small, yet very passionate group of nurses.  We founded Climate Action Nurses.  We challenged policy, research, and education for nurses in climate and health and formed a strong advocacy platform.  However in my workplace, I was still so very isolated. This changed when I was fortunate to join the Planetary Health in Nursing & Midwifery – Research & Education Collaborative founded by Distinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones and her colleagues in 2023.

    Being part of this Collaborative has been nothing short of inspirational. It continues to bring together passionate leaders from diverse backgrounds, all united by a shared vision of advancing planetary health.  These leaders inspire me daily, not only through their expertise but through their unwavering social justice framework and hope for a way forward.  Their passion is contagious, fuelling my own drive and determination.

    The Collaborative is a powerful catalyst for creativity and innovation.  It has provided me with a platform where ideas can be exchanged freely, and where partnerships have grown.  This environment encourages me to think outside the box, finding new and effective ways to address the complex challenges of planetary health.

    One of the most profound aspects of the Collaborative is the sense of community it fosters.  No longer do I feel like that lone soldier; but instead, part of a powerful, inspiring and supportive network.  This community has offered me a sense of belonging, solidarity, and hope, reminding me that we are not alone in this journey.  By working together with like-minded nursing scientists, we are making a significant impact.

    There are so many things I absolutely love about this Collaborative, and one of the most impactful is that this group is not just about ideas and conversations – it’s about action!  It is driving tangible, positive change in our field of nursing and midwifery.  Through the efforts of the Collaborative, we are shaping curricula, influencing policy, and challenging the application of the very ideals of our profession.  Each step forward is a testament to the power of this collaboration and impact we can achieve when we work together.

    I am deeply grateful for the sense of purpose and community this Collaborative has given me.  As I reflect on my journey and the incredible experiences I have had as part of this group, I am filled with hope and optimism for the future.  I look forward to continuing to work alongside some of the most inspiring nurses and midwives I have met in my 20-year career.  When I step away from our meetings, I am filled with so much pride in my profession.  Our collective drive is shaping a better planet and health for current and future generations.  That is why I became a nurse!